A Question For Your Heart


Are you willing to put God first?
Are you willing to put God first in everything?
Are you willing to put God first in every area of your life,
    in every thought in your mind?

What stands between you and God?
Who stands between you and God?
What places stand between you and God?

Where are you holding back?
What things, attitudes, habits, angry feelings, "if  only's"
    and "yes ... but's" interfere?

Are there things you've decided you can handle yourself?
Circumstances you wouldn't bother God with?
Things you're afraid or embarrassed to share with Him?

Are there people you don't want Him to love?
Would you rather He didn't love you?
Are you willing to put God first?

He so wants to be first with you.

You are His special child.

Are you willing to rise above the mundane and the petty,
and dwell in God's gentle kingdom today?

Are you willing to put God first?
Are you willing to be willing?